
School Courtyard Garden

The courtyard right into the gate is a fairly beautiful garden. Benches and large bushes of plants sit across paths that lead into the schools main building. A large fountain sits in the middle of the Garden.

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Visiting Quarters

A small building to the right of the garden which is used as a visiting center. Various tv's sit across the room as well as tables and chairs for parents or friends to converse to those who attend the academy.

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Front Office

Where the principal spends his time, and also the go to place to sign up for the academy. As well as those who get in trouble come here for severe detention.

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Front Gates


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Front Gate
The front gates of the academy are dressed in light blue and silver colors. Leading into a courtyard that is dressed as a garden. This also includes the front office, and the visiting area's for parents of those who attend the school.
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